In the popular series of Academy Concerts, students of the Barenboim-Said Akademie introduce themselves to their audiences as part of their curriculum. Once again, the series includes three performances of the Academy Orchestra led by Daniel Barenboim. The chamber music concerts feature repertoire that the young artists have been working on during their studies. Programs will be announced at short notice.
APRIL 4–5, 2025
Taking the title of Said’s 1999 memoir as a starting point, this season’s Edward W. Said Days will be dedicated to the aesthetic and political inflexions of home, identity, and exile. In talks and musical performances, through literary readings and panel discussions, the geopolitical and personal contexts of Said’s biography will provide the framework to explore states of inner and outer displacement and exile as well as sites of “home finding” and “return”—while also revisiting the meanings of being “of ” a place and “out” of it. The program will include a concert with the Orchestra of the Barenboim-Said Akademie conducted by Daniel Barenboim.
Full program details from December 1, 2024.
Boulez Saal, the Akademie-Forum is the Barenboim- Said Akademie’s space for “intellectual chamber music.” This series of talks, readings, and discussions featuring guests from the humanities, literature, politics, and public life addresses topics of our time. The Forum is an invitation to explore and participate in the academy’s intellectual life. All events include a musical performance by students of the Barenboim-Said Akademie. Guests and dates for the 2024–25 academic year will be announced later. All events start at 6 pm and take place in the Mozart Auditorium or the lobby of the Barenboim- Said Akademie.
For program details to be announced soon.