Kieran Carrel, Joanthan Ware | © Jessy Lee, Kaupo Kikkas
© Jessy Lee, Kaupo Kikkas
Franz Schubert
Auf der Bruck D 853
Franz Schubert
Der liebliche Stern D 861
Franz Schubert
Im Walde D 834
Franz Schubert
Um Mitternacht "Keine Stimme hör ich schallen" D 862
Franz Schubert
Lebensmut D 883
Franz Liszt
Vergiftet sind meine Lieder S 289
Franz Liszt
Oh! quand je dors S 282
Franz Liszt
Comment disaient-ils S 276/2
Franz Liszt
Freudvoll und leidvoll S 280
Franz Liszt
Freudvoll und leidvoll S 280/2
Franz Liszt
Franz Schubert
Der Einsame D 800
Franz Schubert
Der Winterabend D 938
Franz Schubert
Herbst D 945
Franz Schubert
Im Frühling D 882
Franz Schubert
An mein Herz D 860
Franz Schubert
Über Wildemann D 884
Franz Schubert
Im Jänner 1817 D 876
Franz Schubert
O Quell, was strömst du rasch und wild D 874 (Fragment)
Benjamin Britten
On This Island Op. 11

Franz Schubert, declared the English musicologist George Grove in 1883 in fervently Romantic tones, only had to “read the poem, and the appropriate tune, married to immortal verse (a marriage, in his case, truly made in heaven), rushed into his mind, and to the end of his pen.” In a creative life spanning less than 20 years, Schubert wrote over 600 songs—a musical treasure trove that is as diverse as it is inexhaustible. The Pierre Boulez Saal’s Schubert Week, curated by Thomas Hampson, once again unites a group of veteran and up- and-coming artists to explore a selection of these works, together with compositions by Schubert’s contemporaries.

British-German tenor Kieran Carrel, who joins the ensemble of Deutsche Oper Berlin and gives his Wigmore Hall solo debut this season, brings the 2023 Schubert Week to a close.

In Cooperation with Liedakademie des Heidelberger Frühling Liedzentrums & Hampsong Foundation

Approximate running time: 1h 30m with one intermission
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Pierre Boulez Saal
Französische Straße 33 D
10117 Berlin
Season 2022–2023,
Past Event
Pierre Boulez Saal
See current events