Ancor che col partire: Works by Rore, Lasso, Gabrieli, and others
© Peter Adamik
Michele Pasotti
Conductor and Lute
La fonte musica
Enrico Onofri
Vocal and instrumental music by Cipriano de Rore, Orlando di Lasso, Andrea Gabrieli, Orazio Vecchi, Alessandro Striggio, and others
Though in parting
I feel myself die,
I will part happily again and again:
For such is the joy of renewed life
That I feel upon returning.
These lines from Cipriano de Rore’s most famous madrigal set the stage for the concert of Michele Pasotti and his ensemble La fonte musica. Having explored music of the 13th and 14th centuries in their previous Pierre Boulez Saal appearances, they now dedicate their program to the art of the 16thcentury madrigal. Joined by violinist Enrico Onofri, who has contributed new compositions as a contemporary counterpoint, the musicians perform works by both famed and lesserknown composers of the High Renaissance that examine themes of parting, love, and death.
Approximate running time: 1h 10m without intermission
Pierre Boulez Saal
Französische Straße 33 D
10117 Berlin