György Ligeti
String Quartet No. 1 "Métamorphoses nocturnes"
Helmut Lachenmann
String Quartet No. 3 "Grido"
Johannes Brahms
String Quartet No. 2 in A minor op. 51/2

One of the special qualities of the Quatuor Diotima, according to its longtime violist Franck Chevalier, is to approach the music of the present with a historical perspective: “Awareness of the musical avant-garde means to be aware of its past.” Returning to the Pierre Boulez Saal in a new lineup, the ensemble pairs two “classics” of the avant-garde—Ligeti’s electrifying First Quartet of 1953 and Lachenmann’s Grido, written in 2001—with Brahms’s forward-looking A-minor Quartet.

Approximate running time: 1h 30m with one intermission
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Why You Shouldn’t Miss This
Pierre Boulez Saal
Französische Straße 33 D
10117 Berlin
Season 2023/24,
String Quartets by Brahms, Ligeti, Lachenmann
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Pierre Boulez Saal
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